Trans-Pacific Eastbound Rate Increase Announced

The carriers on the trans-Pacific eastbound trade lane have announced a $400/container General Rate Increase (GRI) effective June 1, 2020. This increase had originally been planned at $500. Simultaneously, carriers have filed a second increase of $1000/container effective June 14, 2020. It is important to understand that filed increases don’t always get implemented. Carriers are … Continued

An Uptick in Bookings from China

Recently Worldwide Logistics Ltd. (WWL) offices in China have reported an uptick in booking volumes. This increase is evident for both US East Coast and US West Coast bound cargos. Willy Fong, WWL’s managing director in Asia, noted, “a number of our traditional customers who had delayed or cancelled orders are now starting to move … Continued

WWL India COVID-19 Update: Lockdown Extended

In India, the nationwide lockdown has been extended until May 17th. Districts have been identified as red, orange or green zones based on the status of the Covid-19 outbreak there. The classification will enable the resumption of some economic activities in areas less affected by the virus and ensure that caution is exercised in these … Continued

Expect delays in Overweight Shipping Through the Panama Canal

Significant decreases in watershed levels means tighter enforcement in overweight cargo. The long-term effects of low water levels in the Panama Canal is forcing some ocean lines to offload overweight containers in order to pass through the Panama Canal. Last year, water depths in the canal reached such low levels not seen in the past … Continued

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Postpones Certain Duties

Recently, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has offered postponement of certain duties, taxes, and fees for 90 days for importers who have suffered significant financial hardship as a result of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the government imposed limiting commerce, travel, or group meetings. We have prepared the following information including important links relating … Continued

2M Alliance Tightens Service from Asia to USA

For the entire second quarter, The 2M Alliance of Maersk Line and Mediterranean Shipping Co. will suspend one weekly service from North Asia to the US West Coast and a weekly string from South Asia to the East Coast, the carriers said Thursday. They’ll also blank additional individual sailings to North America. The reductions in … Continued

COVID-19 Update from Worldwide Logistics Group HQ – March 31

USA All staff working from home except warehouse staff in Torrance, CA and Cranbury, NJ. Import volumes steady despite many retail orders having been delayed or cancelled.  Exports are quite busy as are cross trade shipments. All systems are working efficiently with no issues in a “work from home” model. China All staff have resumed … Continued

Airlines Convert Passenger Fleets to Carry Cargo During Coronavirus Pandemic

Airlines are looking for ways to utilize grounded passenger fleets to meet a shortage of cargo capacity.  The ripple effect of COVID-19 has grounded many passenger flights which is causing a global shortage of cargo space. Since passenger aircraft make up a large share of cargo capacity, there is a serious shortage in space, causing … Continued

COVID-19 Update from Worldwide Logistics Group HQ – March 20

As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to spread throughout the world WWL has taken measures to protect the health and safety of our staff as well as provide the most consistent service possible to our clients. Following is an update on the situation at each of our worldwide locations: USA Our office staff is now working … Continued

Two Terminals Reopen at Port of Houston

Two terminals at the Port of Houston reopen after temporarily shutting down yesterday when a worker tested positive for the coronavirus. Bayport and Barbours terminals were closed while an investigation was conducted. Port officials said the employee worked at both terminals. According to KHOU11 TV in Houston, the Port of Houston and the International Longshoremen’s Association conducted … Continued