Port of Houston Terminals Closed

This morning COVID-19 shut down two terminals at the Port of Houston after a worker tested positive for the disease. Bayport and Barbours terminals are closed while an investigation is conducted. Port officials said the employee worked at both terminals. According to KHOU11 TV in Houston, officials have no reason to believe anyone else at … Continued

Worldwide Logistics Group Turns 22!

With all the grim news about the COVID-19 pandemic, we are happy to share some positive news. Today marks the 22nd anniversary of Worldwide Logistics Group. Worldwide Logistics is a more than just company. It is a group of incredibly talented, resourceful and resilient people and resilience is what everyone needs these days! What started modestly in 1998 with … Continued

COVID-19 Update From WWL Group

As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to spread throughout the world WWL has taken measures to protect the health and safety of our staff as well as provide the most consistent service possible to our clients. Following is an update on the situation at each of our worldwide locations: USA Beginning tomorrow virtually 100% of … Continued

Worldwide Logistics Launches New Website

After months of sweat and tears, we have been given the green light to announce the launch of our new website! We hope our new features will help our customers to do their jobs. Please visit our site. With the Worldwide Logistics Group website redesign, we’ve created a Client Tools page with important forms, documentation … Continued

Coronavirus Update: Carriers Cancel Sailings

The coronavirus has significantly affected supply chain management and cargo volumes. With many factories still closed, truckers still under quarantine and road travel restricted, ocean carriers have cancelled roughly 35 sailings. All regional government bodies are strictly controlling factory work. Currently only 50% of the factories resumed work in February. “The rest may return to some level of normalcy … Continued

CN Update on Track Washout, Derailment and Blockades 

Track Washout: CN has reported that the track that had washed out earlier in the week from river flooding is now repaired and service has resumed back to normal. The washout had impacted traffic between Jackson, MS and Mobile, AL. Derailment: CN has also reported that service has now resumed near the town of Emo, Ontario where a derailment occurred earlier … Continued

SM Line Starting New Transpacific Service Structure

SM Line announced last week that they will be restructuring their Transpacific service with 2M (Maersk Line and MSC) affective April 1, 2020. This new service change will replace their independent PSW service (CPX) with two services in joint operation with 2M. They will deploy two 11,000TEU class vessels in cooperation on PS1 (TP8/Orient) and … Continued

Coronavirus Impact on Supply Chain Operations

Due to the rapidly spreading Coronavirus, the Chinese government has announced the extension of the Chinese New Year holiday to February 2nd and many of the municipal governments are extending the holiday until February 9thThe following. areas have extended the holiday: Shanghai, Guangdong Province, Fujian Province, Zhejiang Province and Jiangsu Province. As of now, all … Continued