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The Air Freight Calculator is based on volume measured weight, also known as volumetric weight. Air freight will always be charged per kilogram / pound against the greater weight, whether it is the actual or volumetric weight.
AMS is the abbreviation for Automated Manifest System. For security reasons, US and Mexican customs demand to know the ships manifest, including all commodities, 24 hours prior to vessel departure from the port of Loading. This pertains both to cargo with a final destination in the US and Mexico, as well as cargo routed through or transshipped in these countries.
ISF (Importer Security Filing) is a rule that obliges importing US parties to declare specific data (description of commodity) of the imported goods to the US Customs. Customs need to receive the declaration latest 24 hours prior to loading. The complete ISF must be declared 48 hours before vessel’s departure out of the port of loading.
In 2014 the International Maritime Organisation has agreed to adjusting the SOLAS regulation VI/2. This adaption involves that the party, which has been notified as shipper on the B/L, has the responsibility to pass on the verified gross weight (VGW) to the carrier. This needs to be done after a container has been loaded and before a container will be loaded on board of a vessel. In case a verified container weight has not been passed on, the container will not be allowed to go on board of a vessel. This rule will apply as of July 1st, 2016.The weight can be determined in 2 ways: 1. The weight of a loaded container will be verified by weighing the container on a certified and calibrated platform scale/weigh bridge. 2. The weight of a loaded container will be verified by the shipper and proved based on a certified calculation procedure.
Customs Power of Attorney (POA) grants the authority of the customs broker to act on the behalf of the Importer in filing customs security filings (ISF) and Entry Declarations with CBP
Log in to Big Schedules, a sailing schedule search engine that lets you manage and visualize ocean shipments. Use this for live vessel location data for faster and greater insights to improve your shipment planning. Big Schedules delivers optimized search results for 30 major ocean carriers, over 46,000 port pairs and nearly 5,000 vessel services that cover 90% of the world’s container capactiy.
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With your AWB number, you can click on an airline name and visit the air cargo tracking site of the airline.
When importing merchandise into the United States, rules and regulations of U.S. Customs and Border Protection must be followed. The rules are designed to protect the revenue of the United States and to guarantee compliance with all laws. The U.S. government stipulates that all importers must provide security to ensure this process.
Information defining “Bond Stacking” and Principals

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